The Investigative Solution for Today’s Internet Landscape

SocialTrac: Find the Best Social Media Investigative Solution for You

What is SocialTrac?
The Internet: What was once considered luxury technology is now living in the back pocket of nearly every American. As such, Internet and social media research strategies must remain as cutting-edge as the online platform itself.

Claims Bureau USA offers a clear and concise look into the subject’s Internet footprint, through traditional social media sources, mobile applications, and static Internet references. All of our investigative research is conducted by licensed investigators with extensive training on the Internet and social media landscape. Trends are ever-changing; however, our dedication to acquiring relevant information is consistent.

SocialTrac Plus SocialTrac Premier SocialTrac Elite
Performed by a Licensed Investigator
Identification of Social Media Accounts
Identification of Mobile Applications
Employment-Related Sites
Fitness Tracking & Athletic-Reporting Sites
Adverse Media Sources
Static Internet Sources
Identification of Friends’ & Family Members’ Accounts
Extended Research for Significant Posts & Photos Uploaded by the Subject
Executive Summary of Findings
Strategic Recommendations for Investigative Expansion
In-Depth Review of Friends’ & Family Members’ Posts & Photos
Inclusive of extensive profiles, aliases, & unique username variations
Review of Community Groups, Recreational Activities, & Community Impact
Verbal Update and Discussion of Case Findings
Skilled Surveillance Assessment


SocialTrac Plus
With a SocialTrac Plus report, you will receive an easy to comprehend map of the subject’s social media profiles, to better understand their daily activities. Key findings may include employment, physical activity, and/or community impact, just to name a few.

SocialTrac Premier
A SocialTrac Premier report will provide a deeper review of the content located within each of the subject’s known and newly identified accounts. Many subjects are known to privatize or deactivate their own social media profiles in an effort to obscure these findings – therein lies the importance of researching friends, family members, and business associates, to locate back-door entry into the activities referenced above. A SocialTrac Premier report will take your Internet-based investigation to the next level.

SocialTrac Elite
SocialTrac Elite expands those key findings even further to include an in-depth review of extensive social media accounts, many of which may post multiple times per day. Posts, photos, and videos will be reviewed, captured, and synthesized into a clear and exhaustive narrative of the subject’s Internet-based life, their self-reported digital residency, as well as their community involvement and tagged content through live streams, community groups, and other Internet-based groups that have developed in an increasingly remote world. With a SocialTrac Elite, you will also receive a skilled surveillance assessment to transition these findings into successful observation in the field, based on posting trends, social media analytics, and targeted events.

Join the future of investigation with SocialTrac, selecting the level of investigative depth that will best suit your specific needs!


We provide professional, cost-effective, and timely investigations. Get started today!